Jan 4, 2013

Lamington Park

Today Stu, James and I went for a hike through the Albert River circuit of Lamington National Park. It was a day of Australian wildlife. Wallabies in front of the car, leeches on my ankles, literally hundreds of face level spiderwebs, and then some more interesting stuff.

An adult Lamington Spiny Crayfish. We kept spooking him (her?) and he'd go into, 'What's up now, dog?' mode with his pincers up. This picture was after he calmed down and went back to fishing.

Later, we saw a few snakes. There were two or three like the one above, maybe a centimeter in diameter and 30-40cm long. I think this is a common tree snake but I'm not sure. They aren't dangerous. The other one we saw was considerably bigger - about the size of a toilet paper tube in diameter. It might have been a carpet snake (not dangerous), or it could have been a death adder (unsurprisingly, dangerous). Who knows?

Here's the start of New South Wales from Echo Lookout.

Me at the same.

James enjoying his nutritious breakfast.

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