Mar 24, 2013

Aus Road Trip - Brisbane to Sydney

As many things do in the wet Brisbane summer, our road trip started with rain. Tropical Storm Oswald blew through Brisbane just a few nights before we left on our farewell to Australia road trip. The neighbours aluminium shed blew over the fence during the night of our going away party.

A few days later we took off on this route, shown on google maps.

We planned on stopping in Byron, but it was wet and rainy, so we pushed on, diverting inland through Lismore and Casino to avoid a flooded section of highway near Grafton.

Coffs Harbor was our first stop, home of The Big Banana. Mary was unimpressed that we didn't stop.

Pelicans and humans co-existing in Port Macquarie.

This walkway along the breakwater of Port Macquarie was lined with several kilometers of painted stones.

We stayed in Newcastle with a couple friends, and it was great to see them, but we're skipping ahead to Sydney.

The Sydney Powerhouse Museum was great - a cool mix of engineering and art inside a converted power station.

Also while in Sydney we were lucky enough to catch La Boheme at Opera in the Domain, a free outdoor opera concert. Great stuff - the rain scared a few people off and we got bumped up front.

We also got fancy stick on bowties.

Knowledge is power - France is Bacon.

Saturday afternoon in town by St. Mary's Cathedral. This was one of 3 or 4 wedding parties we saw in the city.

The pig statute who gives you good luck when you rub his nose.

A couple photos from the Domain gardens.

The opera house!

And Sydney's Luna park!

And the Sydney Museum of Contemporary Art.

This was about the first week. Next up - Canberra, the Big Merino, and the Snowy River.


  1. Great Pics. I loved the Powerhouse Museum, one of my favourite places in Sydney.

  2. June , i did not sign above comment. Loking forward to the next batch. June


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Many thanks to my friend Mike for the webhosting.