Nov 19, 2012

It Began in Africa

Last week was Nickel Processing 2012 in Cape Town, South Africa. I will skip the details of the conference and go right into pictures.

The entrance to the garden at the Vineyard Hotel.

The hotel had 4 tortoises that wandered around the garden and sometimes into the ground floor of the hotel. They brazenly begged for scraps and were utterly unafraid of people. This one came right up to me when I sat down to take its picture.

Later we went for a hike up Table Mountain, taking the route through Skeleton Gorge. There were no Skeletons, but there was a barbed wire safety fence. South Africans love their barbed wire.

It was hot - Skeleton Gorge is about 400m of elevation gain through stairs and scramble up a river bed.

The view was worth it though.

Lots of life to see, including this little critter, a rock dassie or hyrax. Mary tells me they are related to manatees and elephants.

Spectacular views over the city proper.

The top of Table Mountain as we entered the cloud. The mountain is often wreathed in cloud from where the cold antarctic wind hits the warm air off the continent. The second half of the hike saw us in a cold, moisture laden wind over the plateau.

Down at the waterfront where we had a well deserved beer. The red guy there is made entirely out of plastic coke crates.

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Many thanks to my friend Mike for the webhosting.