On our last day in Germany, my primary contact at Lanxess took us out on the town in Dusseldorf with his wife. Dusseldorf is the capital city of North-Rhine Westphalia, and as a government city it has a very different character than Bonn and Cologne. In Cologne and Bonn you can instantly feel the connection to centuries ago with narrow lanes and cobbled streets. In Dusseldorf there is an old part of the city, but the next neighbourhood over is ultramodern glass and steel. It makes for a stunning skyline.

Several buildings by
Frank Gehry.

We were walking through a strip of bars and came across some German cops. Being drunk, my colleague insisted we have a picture taken. It's a good thing we're so charming.
Looks like you guys had a great time in Deutschland. Those colourful people clambering over the building in the background of the first picture remind me of the milk crate guys on QPAC in Brisbane.