Oct 1, 2009

UQ Lakes Goose

Every day on my way to and from school I ride along side the UQ Lakes. It's great because there's a whole pile of waterfowl that live in or around it. Geese, cockatoos, guinea-fowl, swamphens, wood ducks - all kinds of crazy stuff. Sometime in the future I'll post photos of everything I can find down there, but in the mean time, here is a goose making a funny face. The little white guys by the water are cockatoos.


  1. Looks a bit like Lost Lagoon, thank goodness no Canada Geese.Is there an Ausssie Goose?

  2. Well, there are geese that live in Australia. I don't think they have an iconic goose like we do though. They've got better animals to make into mascots (kangaroos, echidnas, koalas, etc).

    Still, these ones are cool, even if that one hissed at me.

  3. There's the Magpie Goose, which you might see up there, and the Cape Barren Goose, which is a more southerly bird. Although apparently neither of these are "true" geese.

  4. I think these are Embden geese, if that helps. And they're awesome ;)


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