Oct 6, 2009

Hens and Chicks

Today I took Mary around the UQ campus and then down to South Bank and the West End.

6 baby dusky moorhens and their parent from the UQ lakes.

Mary on the city cat.

Life is good.


  1. young, in love, in an exotic city- what's not to like?

  2. SO Happy, you both are together again. The wee hens are lovely too.

  3. Reunited and it "Feels so Good"

  4. nice picture of Mary and the chicks.


All the images, text, videos, sounds, emotions, and flavours on this page belong to me unless otherwise noted. If you reproduce or sell the aforementioned without crediting me and/or giving me a cut, my vengeance will be visited on you and your progeny to the 7th generation. Seriously.

Many thanks to my friend Mike for the webhosting.